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To keep up to date with all the latest news, follow us on Instagram
Le Rhodia is Nominated for the ArchDaily 2025 Building of the Year Awards
The iXcampus construction site in Saint-Germain-en-Laye opens its doors to visitors during the European Heritage Days
Following the consultation launched by the EPA Orsa - Grand Paris Aménagement and the town of Vitry-sur-Seine (94), the consortium comprising Groupe Duval, leader, and Bart | Patriarche, has won the tender with its project designed by ITAR Architecture, Same Architectes and La Talvera paysage, comprising offices, a 3* hotel and 140 housing units.
Opening of SPOT24, the temporary exhibition at the Centre Emile Anthoine as part of the 2024 Olympic Games
SAME enters the 2023 ranking of low-carbon agencies organized by Séquences Bois, published in issue 143 of the magazine
Construction work begins on the iXcampus in Saint-Germain-en-Laye
Groundbreaking ceremony for our Villejuif office and laboratory project
Start of work on the temporary occupation of the Centre Emile Anthoine to host an exhibition as part of the 2024 Olympic Games
SAME is referenced as part of the call of interest of the Société du Grand Paris for urban and real estate projects of the Grand Paris Express
SAME delivers the new restaurant of the Bourdelle Museum, Le Rhodia
SAME delivers L'ARO, the transformation of an office building into a graduate school in Paris
SAME has been selected to design 83 collective housing units alongside Arte Charpentier in the Colombes-Auriol eco-district.
Building permit obtained by SAME & Baumschlager Eberle Architekten for their innovative Campus in Saint-Germain-en-Laye
SAME studio, in partnership with Baumschlager Eberle, DJAO-RAKITINE Landscape Architecture and AIA Life Designers, is the winner of iX Campus at Château Saint-Léger in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, organized by BAM - Because Architecture Matters
SAME obtains a building permit for 24,800 m² of offices and laboratories in Villejuif
Building permit obtained for a housing unit of 66 flats in Gattières carried by Quartus
SAME delivers a 84-unit building in Carros
SAME delivers The Frankie Shop new store at 7 rue Saint-Claude, Paris III
SAME architectes + Mallet Morales associate architect are selected to compete for plots L5/L6 of the operation Gare de Lyon - Les Messageries
SAME is the winner for the transformation of a Bourdelle Museum workshop into a restaurant
The construction of L'ARO Avenue de la République is underway, for a reception scheduled for the end of 2022
SAME is the winner of the transformation of the Emile Anthoine centre in Paris XVeme for the RIVP and the City of Paris